Delivering kindness, not just flowers
The Kindness Project
At The Posy Post, we deliver kindness, not just flowers.
Our vision has and always will be to provide a platform for people to share the love and make the day of someone else. In the highs and lows of life, we like to see ourselves as a method of showing love to those you care about in a way that doesn’t break the bank. We want to make showing kindness easy.
Through our online community, we have been a witness for the very best and worst of people’s lives. On one trip we are delivering flowers to someone who is going through chemotherapy and then the very next delivery is a bride asking her best friend to be her bridesmaid. We drive from home to home each day with messages saying “Thank you for being there for me” and “I’m sorry to hear about your loss”. We have even had one guy ask his girlfriend to marry him. It’s our absolute privilege to play a part in these moments.
“the bigger motivation for us is that we give people the opportunity to spread love and kindness.”
We recently sat down and thought about our motivation for why we do what we do at The Posy Post. Yes, we love flowers (like really, really love them) and we love that we get to do this, but the bigger motivation for us is that we give people the opportunity to spread love and kindness. It’s small, affordable and simple. That’s always been our goal.
It’s important to seek opportunities for kindness whether that’s a kindness to the ones we love or kindness to ourselves. It’s what makes us human. Kindness separates us from every other living thing.
True kindness can never be counterfeit, imitated or bought. The kindness we are talking about is doing something with no thought of any return, it’s being generous and placing others before ourselves. True kindness is consistent even when circumstances are not.
We have the pleasure of witnessing people’s kindness every. single. day. So we are starting The Kindness Project. We are challenging you to show kindness in some way, daily. We are giving away one posy every day for the next two weeks. Our little tribe of day makers is delivering kindness to someone who really needs it. We would love for you to tag them in our #thekindnessproject posts.
We love what we do and we have loads of fun but we are also aware that sometimes we all need a little reminder that we are loved and cared for. Every bit of kindness counts!
They say to “throw kindness around like confetti”
So that’s what we’re doing. Only instead of confetti, we’ve got petals.
All the love
“They say to “throw kindness around like confetti”
So that’s what we’re doing. Only instead of confetti, we’ve got petals.”